It appears that our blog has been one of the very few, if not the only one, that has reported easily locatable information about experiences of Rev. Hoyt Robinette's precipitated art seances. Some who have read what has been shared here have shared back their own experiences, feelings and opinions, mixtures of positive and negative, like that of August. (See "
Where is Moose and Squirrel"; "
More Precipitated Art"; "
Fascism is Not Dead"; and "
We've been receiving more reports coming in, and have been given permission to share them and their names by their authors.
Marybeth LoVecchio, who wants "the word to get out about Spirit and all the marvelous things that they do for us," writes:
"... I have known Rev. Hoyt Robinette personally for years and have a few spirit cards and silks. I have heard the rumor about his trumpet seances being somewhat sketchy (I've never attended one - in fact, I don't believe he does them anymore) but I can vouch for the Spirit Card & Silk Sances. The very first silk seance I attended let me come away with faces of my husband, grand parents, my best friend, Tom, of 43 years and his dog. Since then, I've found my dear friend's grandmother, Eusapia Palladino, my cousin Tommy's father and many others on other silks. The Spirit Cards are amazing. When Hoyt was here at our church last year, I had to drive him to Walgreens to buy a pack of blank index cards (he's quite absent minded and had forgotten to purchase them prior to the demonstration), so I KNOW those cards were blank when they first were put in the basket. Last year I received a picture of one of my Spirit Guides for physical mediumship "Satanta" a Kiowa indian chief known as "Orator of the Plains". I learned this thanks to "Google". In prior years, the faces of a young Ben Franklin and Rudolph Valentino appear together on a card. Both of these guys and I have a special ‘spiritual connection.’ "
Readers can contact Mary Beth at her
Lisa Butler, who with her husband Tom co-directs
Association TransCommunication, also writes August:
"August, we spent some time reading with great interest your blog about your experience with Hoyt Robinette. We saw him last year and went into the sittings looking for fraud - we were stunned by what happened in the silk sitting. I have attached a PDF of the article that we ran in the Fall 2010 NewsJournal.
"Your experience was amazing! Regarding the phone call from Boris - do you think it could have been the Boris now on the other side? This may sound crazy to you but people who are dead do make phone calls. Bayless and Rogo wrote an excellent book about it called Phone Calls From the Dead. We also have several members who are intelligent minded individuals who have reported this experience. I thought of it because you said the line sounded funny and this often goes with a paranormal phone call. Or do you think it was just an astonishing coincidence?
"We appreciated your detailed thoughts on the paint on the Cards. As you will see from the article Tom went through the pieces of Silk and could smell nothing on them - we also had our eyes on the silks and where able to see him pick them up - they were not switched. Have you heard how the critics say he does the silks? The article is also on our website.
"I just purchased your book and will get it on my Kindle today. Unfortunately there is more work then time for reading but I am excited to gradually do that. Particularly interested in what you wrote about 'Tim's greatest achievements (so far) has been direct and ectoplasmic materialization before me.' We have been researching some physical mediums and feel lucky to have gotten small sittings with reputable ones where we know that there is no fraud - amazing stuff - way beyond what people believe is possible. Also interested in Tim contacting you via phone. Will most likely want to do an article on your experiences with Tim for our Journal."
I did indeed and still sometimes wonder if that had been Boris Pasternak himself who had called me, but Boris (who is now one of my guides and mentors) assures me if it
had been him, there would have been no doubt. Because he didn't have the ways and means of accessing my phone on its particular terrestrial dimension, it was orchestrated to arrange for an "earthly Boris" - who actually came from a mediumship family but not fully aware or accepting of it - to contact me - a complex orchestration, indeed, but my life and our book is full of such examples.
Lisa also shared that Hoyt is going to be in
Odenton MA April 14 -17 and then in will be in
Denver CO June 17-June 20. She shared that "it's really a pain to find out where he is going to be as most links on the Internet are years old. If you hear of any other locations please let us know - we are traveling on the above 2 dates and would like to see him this year if possible." Lisa and Tom can be contacted