“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
~ C.G. Jung
“The Truth that sets you free is that you can experience in imagination what you desire to experience in reality, and by maintaining this experience in imagination, your desire will become an actuality.”
~ Neville –
The Power of Awareness
“The activity of Ultimate Reality, the Supreme Power, resembles most closely the human experience which we call imagining.”
~ Raynor C. Johnson –
Nurslings of Immortality
"The synapse is no ordinary switch!"
~ Gary Vey –
Your Brain is Not a Computer!
Risen reader, Mr. Peabody, asks,
"I've been struggling with the question of who God really is and how to justify to scientists that it is possible to have a personal relationship with God. Your chapter on Mundus Imaginalis seems to be the answer I always come back to - but I just don't quite know how to explain this world and its reality. How do we know it is real? What does it mean to be real? I have been watching those youtube videos of interview with Jung where he insists that the experiences of the psyche is just as real as the material world. But how does one prove this? Justify this?"
In terms of living as a physically manifested body, it's often
about timing for me, or rather, how I live in time. I've always used time
differently than most others, although I can't explain it, any more than Jung
can qualify his statements about his own experience. Every one's experience is
unique. "Justification" and "proof" are not necessary in a
Universe of Perfection that is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Only
the ego-mind would demand justification, because it can only react with a
fear-based response.
In Alcoholics Anonymous, we say that whatever one is doing
in any moment is either taking one step toward a drink, or one step away from
it. This is also true about our thinking: are we moving toward serenity, or
away from it? At first, it often feels fearful in any direction, depending on
how large a sphere of fear we’ve placed around our current conscious awareness.
So it may take awhile before we have moved beyond our edge of fear, which was circumscribed
by chronic anxiety. Anxiety keeps us away from the edge, so it seems
counter-intuitive to move toward it.
Here is what the
Risen say about the edge.
Are we making conscious choices about which thoughts we
allow residence in our mind, or unconsciously choosing to let our ego-mind make
its own deranged, fear-based choices? Here is a thought formula of authenticity that will help
restore one's mind to proper thinking and thus sanity. You can substitute
"god" or any word for "Creator Source" which work best for
Everything moves, and this movement is life.
There is nothing but life; so everything is alive.
Creator Source (God) is this life, and it is always and ever
perfect, without flaw or blemish.
There is only one Power. It is the only Power there is.
There is nothing but Creator Source.
This life is in me; therefore, Creator Source is in me, and
so is where I am right now.
Creator Source is manifesting itself in an individual way
through me: I am the living result.
Therefore Creator Source is Who I Am.
This is who God is.
We now have the technology to live-scan the brain while giving it all kinds of
cognitive tasks. Not only can we see which parts of the brain light up, like
the tuning instrument it actually is, but also identify, map and monitor the
chemical interactions that arise directly from a causative thought. In better
words, our thinking creates our experience, manifesting the perception of our
reality. This perception takes place first on the inside, for we cannot
directly perceive the “outside.” So—change
the thought, change the reality.
Here is ancient wisdom being proven by 21st
century science. Because many—if not most—people are ruled by their ego-mind,
they operate from the ego-mind's desire for and insistence on instant
gratification, and so want to "fix it" quickly, in the same way we
push a button and get an instant response. Taking chemicals into our body via
medications is based on that idea. These chemicals are non-native to the body,
hence "side-effects"—which are really effects, forget the “side.”
So why not use our thinking to change our body's chemistry instead?
That is what I help my patients do. It takes TIME. It appears to me that 21st
century humanity has become over-identified with its machines, which can
deliver most results almost instantaneously. This over-identification gives our
ego-mind the opportunity to make us believe the lie that we are not fast
enough, or good enough, and therefore lacking and thus failures. Believing this causes chemicals of stress to
be released, for beliefs are like orders to the kitchen to make a certain kind
of meal. Thoughts are food for our minds.
The brain is a brilliantly evolved problem-solving organ.
However, it is a neutral thing, for it cannot think; it can only receive
information from thoughts, which are instructions. If we give it positive negative
instructions, it will faithfully act on them and produce certain chemicals to
achieve the desired results. Who is giving the instructions: you, or the
We forget, or never realize, that time for a machine is one
way; time for our body is another way. We are just like animals and plants,
which utilize light or energy in a very special way, and utilize time in an organic
way. We are not our machines. Put the ipad down and step away from it. Look
up and out; connect with life. Then we can truly enjoy the dance in the way we
were meant to. (This is a hint about "meaning.")