Saturday, August 21, 2010

Amazon Review

We are grateful to Dr. Evelyn Weissman for her review of The Risen at Amazon:

I am so delighted that this book has appeared in my lifetime. I have been a student of spirit for all 63 of my earthly years, trying to piece together a working understanding of mediumship, life after death and the worlds we inhabit both before and after our earthly incarnations.

My library consists of hundreds of books on religion, philosophy, spirituality. the occult, alchemy and such. I have read many of the more esoteric older works of mystics of all eras and felt although what I learned was important, it never really made sense in the way "The Risen" does; and it does make sense!

Before going any further, let me say that "The Risen" is a beautiful love story which transcends time, space ,life and death. It is a testament to the continuity of love against all seemingly insurmountable odds. It is through this bond of love that spiritual knowledge is gained for the authors and the readers as well.

The physical book is a joy to read. It is illustrated in a style reminiscent of my favorite Victorian books and it is a manual for all of us to peruse and return to again and again on our spiritual journeys. Of all the hundreds of books on my shelf right now, this is the only one I will take with me to read and refer to wherever I go in this world or the next.
In addition to being a student of spirituality, I am a physician (a retired surgeon) who has lived the dichotomy of science vs. spirit as well. This work helps to bridge the gap between these two disciplines as it gives us a taste of what science is doing in the afterlife and how quantum physics and the science of sound and vibration are utilized to transform infinite dimensions of existence.

I could go on, continuing to praise this monumental work; but you need to read it for yourself and digest the profound wisdom of its content. If you do, the "numinous becomes luminous"(p.184) and you will escape the "flatland of the simulate self" (p.309)