Monday, March 01, 2010

Another Apport Appearance

The Risen is now available as an electronic pdf version for a lesser fee than the printed version (note: this is not Kindle.) Granted, it's not as splendiferously gorgeous as the printed book, but it has its definite uses for some.

R., an impassioned reader of The Risen, shared that he recently acquired such a pdf copy of the book so he could read it on his office computer. Thus he took the physical book out of his bag to leave at home, placing it on top of a pile of books in the bedroom. He left the room, and when he came back 10 minutes later, he found the book had been moved from the pile and onto his bed. Needless to say, this was a bit of a shocker.

August advises R. that the event of the apport is itself an info-sphere, (see The Risen for a discussion about info-spheres) and its occurrence has actually manifested and activated an "area" or spiritual field now intercepting and interpenetrating his terrestrial field. As long as R. remains focused on it, it will remain accessible and even open further; keeping this open for exploration is very important, for therein is more information encoded just for him -- there's probably a lot in there of a particular intimate nature as well. How he accesses this info-sphere will be also a chance for him to exercise and stretch his own creative spiritual abilities, and it's suggested he start with the actual apport itself. Hold it, focus on it, contemplate it. Having been de- and then re-materialized by Spirit, it's now a potent new something -- it's been changed down to its very quantum depths, and is no longer an object of the ordinary.