Sunday, January 02, 2022

Binky Apport 2022


   Odd synchronicities had begun occurring while watching an old 1982 movie, "Still of The Night" late yesterday evening -- as they pertain to very personal experiences that would be only meaningful to me, I'll just say that it was as if Spirit was attempting to communicate to me via the film and my connections within it. I'm sure many reading this will understand what I mean about the atmosphere becoming "charged".

   While watching the movie, Wishy & Broshy, my two young siamese fur kids, were playing in their cat tunnel - a collapsible 4 ft. long fabric structure they love to run in and out of or hide in. Wishy had been playing with his favourite "binky" -- a small, weird pinkish fake fur ball with googly eyes,  given to him as a good luck gift from the household he had been born into and who had passed him and his brother on to me (Fiona had also come from the same place, almost 17 years ago). I'm assuming Wishy had taken his  beloved binky into the tunnel, which was on the floor in front of the couch I was resting on. 

   Shortly after midnight, there was an odd sudden sound, like a small light bulb blowing out, and a very brief, dim light glowing on and off from within the tunnel. Wishy let out a sound of terror and shot out of the tunnel and into another room, but quickly came back, while keeping his distance. His fur was completely extended out, as if some kind of static electricity had puffed him out, and his tail, normally thin and smooth, was also puffed out to an unbelievable fluffy way - I've seen photos of cats who have this reaction when frightened, but this is the first time I've seen it in person. 

      I was able to coax him onto my lap and crooned and soothed him back to a more calm state for about 5 minutes. In the meantime, Broshy and Fiona were still there, but keeping their distance from the tunnel and looking at it apprehensively. Remembering the odd sound and light, and worried that maybe there was something harmful like broken glass that had somehow found its way in there, I knelt down and looked into it, and the photo shown here is what I found - a duplicate binky (on the right), looking very clean and almost new when compared to the old dusty one that had been played with for over 2 years.

Photo by August Goforth

   So I have to wonder if Spirit utilized the little tunnel as a kind of cabinet? Aloysius (aka Wishy) is truly a very strange, fey creature who seems more like a bird or faery than a cat - maybe he's developing his own mediumistic abilities?

   What a wonderful gift to begin a new year, a funny message from Spirit saying, "Don't worry, just find your binky, play and be happy!"