Tuesday, November 23, 2010

News for the Soul Broadcast

August joined Nicole Whitney at News For The Soul Radio on Tuesday, November 23, 1 pm PST. The Risen and many things were discussed as the spirit so moved them. August (and Tim) were honored as the first guests at their new studio with brand new technology.  Nicole was a gracious and warm, as well as highly thoughtful and impressively intuitive host and asked some of the bestest questions in a long time, and so we're thankful that all NFTS shows are permanently archived and accessed for free.

"News for the Soul!  REPORTING FROM THE LEADING EDGE OF HUMANITY'S CONSCIOUSNESS EVOLUTION SINCE 1997 ...  News for the Soul is the #1 Life Changing Talk Radio Show in the world according to GOOGLE, AOL, MSN, ALEXA, ASK.com,  and YOUTUBE. NFTS is home to the largest totally free life changing media library in the world. We  are syndicated on the AIR, on the WEB ... and beyond! FYI News for the Soul is home to the largest and best totally free life changing audio resource on the world wide web since January 1997."