Sunday, April 17, 2022




Among many intriguing things, the Risen collaborators of this book aspire to convey a stimulating and perhaps for many a novel emotional concept of resurrection—the psychospiritual rising above the Earthly pendulum—even while it is swinging, even before one falls or flies off the thing that is the weight. “Psychospiritual” means inwardly and privately experienced, but not necessarily outwardly, physically observable. Our grief is the gravity and our beliefs are the weight. To be Risen is to rise above the psychological gravity—to let go of the weight of both memories and beliefs and then rise above them—while simultaneously awakening to this rising. To arise or awaken in the present is to be conscious as our Risen Loved Ones are now. This awakening becomes a shared conscious experience of mind and emotion that reunites us with them, above and beyond the finite pendulum of fixed beliefs and frozen memories. We can arise even while still on the Earth.

From The Risen: A Companion to Grief