Monday, March 29, 2021

Life is a Spiral

The Risen ask us to contemplate a spiral as we journey through this book. The spiral is an ancient emblem of life, transcendence, and eternity, running deep through all earthly cultures. It evokes deep relaxation and calm. It is revealed as a living symbol throughout Nature ~ in pinecones, the petals and seed heads of flowers, the arrangement of leaves on a stem; water spinning in a whirlpool, the shell of a snail, the winds circling the earth; the horns of a goat, the coils of a snake, and even a head of cauliflower. Stars, galaxies, and people dance in waves of living spirals. Spirals are found throughout our body ~ in the proportions of its components, in our fingerprints, in the movement of the blood as it travels through us, and in the pattern of the hair on our heads. The very strands of our DNA intertwine in an animated spiral.

Life is also a spiral ~ a sacred relationship of matter, time, and space that leads to a continual transcendence of them. Life’s presence and actions are its own evidence ~ of itself and of its immortality. The center of life’s spiral is the center of the Self as it moves through eternity, never the same at any moment, yet never losing the essential spirit of its Origin. Life is the Original Spirit. The spiral often seems to be a maze, an icon of the life journey of a human being, seemingly struggling alone along an unknown path, while trying to discover its center. Many of us will spend a lifetime worrying about whether we are journeying toward or away from the center.

For those of us still earth-embodied, our spiral path will change. In fact, it simply cannot exist without change, for the spiral of all life is a process. Upon our transition to places of existence beyond this planet, our journey will transmute into a new and more intensely living motif. We will each begin this transition in our own unique way, and then we will awaken as a Risen One into a new world. Instead of continuing to manifest as a seemingly isolated island encircled by a sea of unforgiving loneliness, a new life-spiral and a new way of being will emerge. As these new beings, we will rejoin all whom we have ever loved and who have loved us, including many old and new friends and lovers. We will emerge as an integral part of an infinitely spiraling community of like-minded others, to dwell in ever-present joy, learning, service, and love.

- From The Risen: Dialogues of Love, Grief & Survival Beyond Death -