Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Be With Me

 To open out into manifestation the wonderful possibilities hidden in the Creative Power of the Universe requires two seemingly separate things of me— to see that I myself am necessary as a center for focusing that power — consciously feeling the knowing of “I Am” — while simultaneously withdrawing the thought of myself as contributing anything to the efficiency of this power. (Not me, but Thee.) I Am is the lens that can focus Itself, consciously or less than consciously. Source is the Light (or Power, or Higher Self) that passes through the lens, which is my human self, concentrated and guided by my mental and emotional human self, to illuminate and manifest images upon the background of Mind. It is not I that work but the Power; yet the Power needs me because it cannot specialize itself into images without me — each is the complementary of the other. The higher the degree of specialization desired, the more necessary is the intelligent and willing co-operation of the individual, which is true surrender. Truth, whether individual or cosmic, looks and even feels different from different places, while never ceasing to be truth. Therefore my positioning, or posture, or attitude determines my experience, my perception, my feelings, depending on the way I am focusing my I-Amness and from where. And what is “the way”?  “I Am” is The Way.

(Adapted and expanded from Thomas Troward by August Goforth )

“Be with me”
and then bask in the feeling of the resulting experience.