Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Crossing Over

Damien Hirst’s “For the Love of God,” a skull facsimile studded entirely with diamonds, was purchased by an unnamed investment group for approximately $100 million USD.

It was stated in a previous post:

"The Risen do not think or use thoughts, which arise from the ego-mind."

Sydney asks us, "If this is the case then is thought used at all? Can you expand on this?"

Thanks for asking, Sydney. Slightly expanded for better clarification, it could be said that the Risen do not use what we call "thoughts" in the way that we use them. "Thinking" is a language we use; the Risen could not be said to use language. It is pointed out in The Risen that for us, as embodied humans, all thinking arises from the ego-mind — something the Risen no longer have. It's also noted that while thinking is powerful, it’s not the only pastime in town. Our book offers a small exercise to try to suspend thinking while watching inner visualizations; if successful, true clarivoyance may arise. This "clear seeing" is how the Risen see, which is spiritual sight. The Risen can use thoughts - or what we would tend to call "thoughts" - as their version of physical tools; objects to be manipulated, stretched, colored, dissolved. This is really an art, and takes great skill to do there to achieve beautiful and monumental manifestation. But they know that thoughts are objects, and do not originate from "inside their heads." This following quote of Tim's from a chapter in the book might also expand our understanding:

"Even ‘do’ is not the right verb. In fact, verbs aren’t used here to begin with—they’re only necessary and useful for the machinists and their devices. ‘Things’ are ‘done’ with ‘devices.’ ‘Doing’ here, where I am, in the way you ‘do things’ there, would be like using dynamite to create a delicate ice sculpture . . .(and) your material language, if you have not guessed it by now, is a machine as well, although new spiritual elements are ever-so-slowly trickling back down into it. Fully-spiritual language is non-mechanical, purely organic, and living."

Even this does not come anywhere near to truly explaining what the Risen experience with and as mind.

On a slightly off-tangent but related note — on Earth, the majority of people are trapped in the box of their skull, unable to get out. Indeed, the Bible notes this chronic human disability in the metaphysical story of the crucifixion and the resurrection, enacted as a psychological drama on Golgotha: "the place of the skull" - an illustration of how non-spiritualized humanity is unable to get free of their own mind-prison. The "cross" is the symbol of placing a vertical element (denoting an ascending spiritual consciousness) over the horizontal element (denoting the fixed, gravity-laden earthly human ego-mind,) thus providing the necessary intervention to free the spirit, or resurrect it. The drama of the man, Jesus, getting on this metaphysical cross (which hurts like hell) was enacted to demonstrate how all people can and will — psychologically— become "Risen" - if not here while on Earth, then when free of the material body. Perhaps this could also lend an expanded meaning to the phrase, "crossing over."