Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Condimental Inexplicableness Musings

Riding the subway offers great opportunities to observe lots of people doing lots of things. I'm always interested in people and especially what they are reading, but usually the book they're holding is partially obscured by others, or positioned in such a way that I can never see the title. Last Friday was no different. The interesting looking person across from me, dressed all in black with funky ripped up green Doc Martins, had his nose all but buried in his book. The title was three words, each on a line by itself, but all that was visible to me were the last few letters of each word — thus:
  • Environmental Mess Happenings?
  • Antisentimental Mistress Spankings?
  • Elemental Empress Glarings?
  • Alimental Cress Cleansings?
Clearly all potentially good books that should be on everyone's shelf.

When he finally got up to leave, I was able to see that he was boning up on Fundamental Chess Endings. Oh well. The subway is also a place where one's heart can get quickly broken several times a day.

It had been a very humid day, and by the time I arrived home, although it was late, it was still sweltering. The first thing I did was go to my spanking new, glaringly white, environmentally friendly refrigerator (see picture above) for a glass of very cold water. Strangely, it wasn't very cold. So I checked the rest of the contents, and the alimentals were warmer than they should be, including the cress. Even the ice cubes were beginning to melt. Somehow, both the fridge and the freezer had been mysteriously dialed down from "4" to "0".

Several days later, and after some minor sleuthing, I can still only conclude that there is no logical way that this could have happened. Of the four people who have keys to my place, at the time, two were in the hospital (long stories,) one was in Florida, and the remaining one is the super — who, as far as I know, is not known for sneaking into apartments and fooling with the appliances. The cats, of course, know nothing, and Tim has been unavailable for comment, being off somewhere far, far away exploring new dimensions. This is definitely one for the books, or a book, which would be called Condimental Inexplicableness Musings. Not exactly grammatical, but I'd buy it just to break a few hearts.

From The Archives: Rise and Shine

[First posted 5/20/06]

Jesus said to him, "Arise, take up your bed, and walk." (1)
— John, 5:8

Another rambling post, motivated by a question of Mogo’s about encounters with religious figures in the Risen geographies, and not sure if it answer's the question. I've never really asked much about it myself, probably because nobody Risen has ever said anything about it. I figured it someone I knew or a guide had met Jesus, they would tell me about it! Tim says that he has never met any religious icons, although occasionally someone will pass through (people are always passing through) who express a great desire to meet Jesus or Buddha, but not finding them there, move on elsewhere. Tim says these folks are considered "cases" (not sure what that means yet, seems a loaded concept) but there's the sense that they are "not all there" — meaning not fully arrived, viz. not fully Risen and so not fully consciously aware of their current status. Sounds confusing to me. Nobody there, Tim adds, seems concerned about meeting saints or gods, and are content where and as they are.

There are beings/entities of higher vibration who visit from time to time who are teachers and guides, and in spite of their great advancement and wisdom, all easily share that they are basically people just like Tim and his companions, having traveled much in the same way to have arrived where they are just as Tim will some day. These beings have sometimes identified themselves as Gandhi, St. Theresa, and the like. Tim has met Krishnamurti quite often.

All that being said, if you want to meet a religious icon, you will have an experience manifested to fulfill that desire, but it will not be the actual entity, rather one's own beliefs expressed as manifested experience and form. But it will connect you with the essence of the icon/god, which has its own valid reality.

The matter of Jesus is very complicated, and much more mysterious than can be quickly understood, if ever —that role having since been enlarged by embodied unconscious dreamers beyond the original intention, and then separated into many diverse, contradictory and paradoxical stories and agendas — myths.

Seth asserted the event of Jesus was a “psychological drama” and, with what can be described as a “Mona Lisa smile,” seemed to imply that there was no actual, historical person that actually walked on the Earth. The smile may be a hint that our world is a great collective dream of unimaginable and never-ending, always changing proportions, (2) into which the wisdom-energy that “clothed” itself as a human was able to wake in a relatively short time, and with complete conscious awareness, manifested within the dream awareness of multitudes of dreamers, who each had/has an individual dream experience while simultaneously sharing them as one great, collective dream.

This wisdom-being was able to impart truths of a higher order that challenged and confused, changed and transformed inner reality of each person who came into contact with it. Besides the four current “acceptable” different stories about Jesus in the christian bible, there are many, many other renditions, some found and hidden, others still unaccounted for, and this diversity evidences the dramatically different psychological experiences of those who were able to consciously retain some memory of these experiences. Witness the current worldwide phenomenal interest in the story of The Da Vinci Code. In spite of historians repeatedly swearing that it’s all fiction, people want to believe it, and so do believe, and thus yet another psychological drama emerges from the collective mind. In spite of their underconscious, and therefore unorganized inner states, people want to organize and re-organize it all, often without restraint or careful thought, as directed by the agenda of ego-mind, which seeks to counterattack the organized facts that the figure of Jesus presented, which was primarily that there is no death and we don’t die, so don’t worry, be happy.

K. supports Seth’s assertions of psychological dramatics, referring to the Jesus event as an achievement of manifested brilliance on the highest of levels by the creators of our particular solar system. (“Two Thumbs Up!" – Clive Barnes.) Many human saints, mostly unknown, unseen, and unacknowledged, participated in the event. This event is still happening on multi-dimensional levels within and outside terrestrial temporality. K. cites as examples the beings who were sometimes mysteriously mentioned in connection with “spiritual communities” with names like “Great White Brotherhood,” “Such-and-such Lodge,” etc. The expansion beyond the “original intention” does not mean that it was not unacceptable or even unforeseen, because the very nature of our particular terrestrial dimension is to increase diversity through the principle novel chaos — or is it chaotic novelty? This principle was and is used to that effect by Source Creators and is why our planet contains such a barely plausible wealth of diversity within such a small sphere.

These High Ordered Sentients or mega-beings, as Tim calls them in Chapter 25, “The Pastime of Reincarnation” — are, as indicated by the use of the scientific term “psychological” — scientists of the highest kind. We can’t imagine them, but they can imagine us. Recall in an earlier post that as truth becomes more organized, there is more light. The more light there is, the more awakened one becomes — as the drapes to our individual rooms slowly open a bit more each moment of the dawning of our awakening, more light is revealed. The more we begin to awaken, the more we are able to see, to eventually Rise from our beds of terrestrial sleep and move forth into a greater new world of unlimited Light.

(1) "Bed" in metaphysical language = "place of lying down" — i.e., state of mind or "the dream". "Walk" implies consciousness, i.e., raising the head (mind). "Taking up one's bed" is also reflective of the Cosmic Directive to the newly sparked life: "Rise and shine!"
(2) "Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge." — Thomas Edison