The Table of Immortality
Even though it must have been fairly evident from the Coast-To-Coast broadcast that the book, The Risen, presents exceptional and supportive emphasis on what's to be gained through increased understanding of the transition experience, most of us are still focused — indeed, overly focused — on the idea of loss. One of the most profound examples for me, August, as a mental health professional, is when I continually see how the profession, labeled as "helping," also focuses on the idea of loss, and introduces, underscores, and promotes the "help" under the nomenclature of "grief and bereavement." This idea is a common thread, interwoven into the greater fabric of the lives of those who are experiencing the miraculous phenomenon of transition from one state to a higher vibrating one of continual, continuous life.
“There is only Life—infinite varieties, forms, qualities, and expressions of it. What the majority of still-embodied people fear as 'death' is simply a transitional phase from one quality of life to another. Transition literally means 'passage from one form, state, style or place to another.' Any state of consciousness is a state of transition toward another state of consciousness, which means this is a never-ending process of our irrevocable immortality.“ 'Death' is not an ending, but a transition of consciousness, just like falling asleep and then waking up. From hereon, then, we will use the concept of transition for the great and wondrous event formerly known as 'death.'
"There is no woe, anguish, pain when there is no ego-mind. My ego-mind no longer exists, as it transitioned as part of the Risen evolutionary process into something finer, more peaceful, more serene as a mental-emotional component that assists the never-ending process of change from one form to another. When this happens here, we party like there's no tomorrow, because we have forgotten what 'tomorrow' is; and so there's no worry — which is future oriented — either. Only joy. So perhaps your earthly helping profession might consider relabeling itself as one of 'joy and support'. Celebration would, of course, be part of that support. And you know, August, that there are many, many, many here who can barely keep from spilling the beans in anticipation of the look on your face when you see the party we are planning for you!"