Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Hand of The Invisible

 I dare to serenely place my hand 
in the Hand of the Invisible.

It Is Done.

I speak my word now for the highest and best to come forth from today, as well as any situation today. I release my word into the law of the universe and I know that it is done as I believe it to be so. I speak my word knowing that it is already done in the mind of God and allow it to be done in my life now. The only mind is God’s mind. God’s Mind is also my Mind.

The Meaning of Prayer

 “This is the meaning of prayer. Prayer is not a foolish seeking to change the mind of Supreme Wisdom, but it is an intelligent seeking to embody that wisdom in our thoughts so as more and more perfectly to express it in expressing ourselves. Thus, as we gradually grow into the habit of finding this inspiring Presence within ourselves, and of realizing its forward movement as the ultimate determining factor in all true healthful mental action, it will become second nature to us to have all our plans, down to the apparently most trivial, so floating upon the undercurrent of this Universal Intelligence that a great harmony will come into our lives, every discordant manifestation will disappear, and we shall find ourselves more and more controlling all things into the forms that we desire."

Thomas Troward ~ The Hidden Power and Other Papers on Mental Science.