Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Intelligent Design or Fuzzy Discernment?

A blog expert advises: “Keep posts short and sweet, don’t ramble on and on. You want them to come back.” Do I?

So far, my posts are none of that. Perhaps I might abbreviate them to save on space.

If u cn rd ths chk ur meds n thn cm bk.

Let me explain why this blog is not about short n’ sweet, sweet n’ lo, or this n’ that. The subtitle of our book is “21st Century Reports from the Afterlife Through Contemplative, Intuitive, and Physical Mediumship” and clarifies what will be found in The Risen, and subsequently, this blog.

Most of the material at this blog is received by me as informed from the Risen, Tim and “others” via intuitive mediumship and some occasional good ol’ fashioned channeling. “Have hands, will type.” I stop when they stop. Should I stop sooner, it’s guaranteed I will have to finish it sooner rather than later, which includes being awakened at 2 a.m. or having to go into trance mode while on the subway and relegating it to a subconscious cupboard for later retrieval. So not only are the posts likely to be hefty, at least in context if not in content, I often have to come back to them to finish them several times over several days, or even re-word or refine certain parts because my discernment was fuzzy or they were mumbling. And of course I have to put my own two cents in to give it some zest and tang.

All this is especially pertinent to the agenda of the Risen—which is mine as well, for the most part—which is to inform and educate in ways that are resonate with the reader and/or catalyze new/increased resonance for the reader. Also, what I just shared about what I sometimes experience as a medium/channeler is seen as essential for the kind of resonance, which will stimulate mediumship abilities in others. Additionally, it will confirm for some that they are experiencing mediumship, and not just having wishful thinking—which is different than imagining something—as the Risen mean it.

Which brings us to what I’m sensing will be the subject of our next posting or few: imagining, or the imaginal. I’m being prepped for this as I type now, but the material is still coming together and I don’t know when I will have to formally post it. I do know they’re not going to re-present or rehash the material from Chapter 13, Mundus Imaginalis -- The Imaginal World, since it’s readily available to read.

Also a-brewing in the spirit kitchen is the controversial subject Intelligent Design – which is quite directly related to subject of the imaginal, and equally quite different from the current two-party stance that pits terrestrial Religion against terrestrial Science.

Stay tuned—I mean, come back.

Yes, Virginia. There is an Event Horizon.

Merry Christmas!

I often wake up (either from sleep or other states) with music going through my head. Sometimes it’s stuff leaking out from the heads of others, or set off by a subconscious association, or just hearing a stupid jingle on tv or the radio, or a message of some sort from the Risen and other non-embodied. Or combinations of all that. Or I’m actually hearing music because my clock radio went off.

This morning it was “Christmas Don’t Be Late” by Alvin & The Chipmunks. This was partially due to the fact that probably my neighbour K.M had been playing the recently acquired “Very Merry Chipmunk” CD over Christmas, to satisfy a yearning for the simpler, gentler days of childhood. Of course, now that K.M. is older and a savvier consumer, a little research revealed that real chipmunks were not the actual artists, but merely a human performer’s voice speeded up. K.M. was devastated. What really threw K.M. for a loop is the discovery that there was only one performer, who sang all the parts. Is there no end to the trauma of Christmas?

But my Celtic sensibilities have also noticed that Christmas actually is late. Everyone has been commenting on how too quickly Christmas came this year. Well, they’re right. Actually, it’s arriving now. It feels like Christmas to me, smells like it, and also I feel like getting presents.

Certain Celtic peoples experienced with deep intimacy the unpredictability of the changing seasons, and so not only had thirteen months, but allowed for the differences by letting some months be longer, shorter, early, or late, or maybe not at all, as the elements around informed their inner and outer senses. This ambiguity made for an expanded world view, which gave their imaginal senses more room to move and grow. When time speeded up, or slowed down, or stopped—their sense of time stayed with it, and psychospiritual balance reigned. Hence these folks could sense things and feelings, as reflected in their arts, which would now evade most modern people.

The strange thing known as “time” is speeding up around us, and has been—most noticeably since 9/11—although many of us are still trying to carry on our lives as if it’s the same; as if Christmas must happen exactly 365 days apart; as if relationships that have reached their limit or have burned out must still continue; as if nothing ever changes. This duality creates confusion, fear and unrest (including sleep patterns,) affecting our decision-making abilities around when to respond and when to react.

We are being carried along more and more swiftly, spiraling on the cosmic currents toward what the late ("but don't call me early") shaman and ethnopharmacologist Terence McKenna called “Timewave Zero” or The Event Horizon. Those who know through their intuition and other spiritual methods of non-terrestrial contact are quietly gathering their inner baggage, preparing for the biggest trip humankind has known in a very long time.

Terence is not a Diakka, by the way. See his Thoughts On Death ("death is the black hole of biology.")

The Risen may have something to say about The Event Horizon, and when they do, you'll see it here first.