Thursday, April 08, 2021

There is no power outside myself.


Once admit that there is any Power outside yourself, however beneficent you may conceive it to be, and you have sown the seed which must sooner or later bear the fruit of "Fear" which is the entire ruin of Life, Love and Liberty. (Thomas Troward) 

Therefore the power is inside, which is where I am and what I am as well.

There is no power outside myself. There is no room for fearful thoughts, I turn away from them and they do not exist. I am an immortal being so therefore there is no time for fear, anxiety and worry and doubt, now and forever now. There is only the experience of my being here and now.

I’m a child of God, a son of the infinite. I’m illumined and inspired. I’m happy, joyous, and free. One with God is a majority, and if God be for me, who on earth can be against me?