Existence in a physical body is an extraordinary experience for a spirit, and yet it is simultaneously a confining one. Most of us live in a near-constant state of “terrestrial tension” brought on by the constriction of our spirit by the heavy materiality of the corporeal body. During waking hours, our spirit usually feels like a bird trapped in a cage, perhaps rattling the bars a bit, but then subsiding into a numbing acceptance that feels disorienting, dissociative, and depressing; less alive. Thus we spend our day.
Conscious awareness of the thrilling feeling of our spirit co-mingling with the body releases this tension. We begin to feel more alive, and more accepting of being alive. More accepting is feeling more gratitude, which feels better. It’s the sensation of joy flowing through our spiritual veins; this is the sensation of ecstasy. Instead of feeling like a grounded, languishing bird, the sensation is more of a balloon, at first, lightly tethered to the earth, floating a bit above the ground. Then the tether unties itself. The quantum lattice of physicality has been expanded by the now-conscious feeling of spirit in the body, and we feel not only larger, but lighter – not just less heavy, but more light-filled, because there is more room for more light.
How to move out of this terrestrial tension? Tim once shared a “Zen Risen Saying” that underscores this concept well: “Do not adjust your screens. This is not a test.” With this attitude of awareness in place, this is how the Risen “move” – not in a forced manner, but more like the way a dandelion seed seemingly drifts without design through the air, or a jellyfish seemingly floats without purpose through the water. They go with the flow, but gently, not forced; intelligently aware, making choices — which we are as yet unable to perceive — as they go.
Being awake means being able to always remember “I am awake” while knowing the difference between waking and sleeping.
If you can truly feel yourself – that is, feel your True Self, you are feeling, simultaneously, Creator Source. This is the Greatest Intimacy. To be Risen is to be completely, totally relaxed into that intimacy – at rest – at all times, with all time, within all time.
To be Risen is practically to be in an inverse state of non-Risen, i.e., terrestrial-based living. What may seem or actually be intuitive for “survival” on earth would be a delusion for a Risen being who is in a perpetual state of Authenticity that never wavers, never wanes. The ego-mind belief that one must “survive” is the delusion, even while on the Earth. The ego-mind state is a belief of false authenticity, manifested in a simulate self, that constantly wavers, constantly waxes and wanes.
For Authentic Self, which is that which has no need for memories, Itself is Home—infinite, timeless, tireless, ever-evolving, without thought or words, yet with total feeling.
To see Authentic Self, look into the eyes of newborn babies, or the eyes of animals. They reflect your own Authentic Self. One cannot help but begin to smile. This smile is Creator Source’s pleasure in you.
One cannot be or try to be Authentic Self. It is not something that can be forced; otherwise, “it” is a simulate self.
[from Risen On Earth: Ascent from the Underconscious —Transmutation through Spiritual Self-Presence, Tempestina Teapot Books (in press)].