Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Radio Broadcast in UK

Although rather quick notice, it's just been confirmed that August will be on "Late Night City with Pete Price" which is broadcast on Radio City & City Talk Radio in the UK. This will happen this Thursday, September 23, at 8 pm EST, which must be about 1 am in the UK. Apparently the producer there somehow found our book online, and Pete will be asking some questions about it.

We're told that it's the biggest night-time talk show in the UK (outside London.) The program has been on the air for the past 20 years and Pete himself has won many national and international radio awards over the years, including "Worlds Best Talk Show Host" at the New York Radio Awards. The program explores a variety of subjects, 5 nights a week and Pete himself make regular appearances on national TV in the UK.

If and when Thursday night's show appears on their website, we'll try to update here and on our website.

The show is streamed live online - there is no need for any sort of membership.
Here is a link to their online players




At Thu Sep 23, 08:58:00 PM 2010, Blogger Evelyn said...

Just finished listening to August's interview live with Pete. Bravo! Well done and so nice to hear from you and Tim.

At Fri Sep 24, 07:40:00 AM 2010, Blogger August Goforth said...

Evelyn, we thank you for listening!


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