Friday, December 10, 2021

The Kingdom of Source


When I am aligned with Source, or as could be said, consciously aware of Source, then I consciously enter the Kingdom of Source, or the Realm of Source, or simply, Source. I discover, or more accurately, remember, that I have inherited this kingdom and everything in it, without requirements, without chores or assignments or duties or tests, without question. 

β€œIn this experiential realm of eternal newness and nowness I can discern and feel my inextricable beingness, my newness and my nowness β€” my immortality β€” which is the infinity of all there is, and only is, giving rise to the indescribable feeling of Everlasting Peace, the inexplicable understanding of Never-Ending Knowing, and the delectable, unsolvable Awe of The Mystery of Life.


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