Sunday, March 22, 2020

Awe-ful thinking

If a brick fell out of the sky onto our head -- every time that we strayed from healthy thinking -- we would probably think those thoughts much less. If repeated enough, it would be learning through our usual pain and suffering method that the vast majority of us were taught since the earliest of days. 

But what if when we strayed from our healthy happy thinking, something really nice happens to us instead --  something loving -- would that dissuade us from continuing the less-than-good-feeling thinking? Probably not,  because we have already accepted the habitual and automatic belief that we are not worthy or not good enough and so rewarding bad thinking with love doesn't seem right to us.  We believe that we need to be punished, deprived or abandoned in some way.

If we look at this closely we will see that  we’ve been trained to seek rewards -- to think in terms of reward and punishment. The Universe does not think that way, actually It doesn’t think at all. The Universe or Source -- or whatever idea we use to try to articulate and contain the notion of Infinite Intelligence -- simply adores us and keeps on adoring us and never away waivers from that adoration no matter what we think or do. This unwavering adoration is simply, profoundly, Life.

It's when we, in our mind, turn away from that adoration due to the kind of thinking we’re doing that we begin to feel less and less good, even to the point of suffering. And then we tend to not only stay in a suffering place, but to increase it -- which is the decreasing of feeling the adoration always shining on us.

If It adores us so much, why would this Infinite Intelligence let us do such a thing? Because It's not in charge of our living, we are. This is the irrevocable gift of infinite freedom, which, if we truly understood, should be staggering to us. 

This staggering is actual movement, a movement of readjustment or realignment, and, simultaneously, expansion. Perhaps a better word for stagger is awe. Doesn’t that sound better, to live and move and have our being in the state of awe? Many certain ancient religious texts go on and on about how important it is to "have a fear of God" -- which is simply a mistranslation of awe, which is also a powerful energy, but without fear-based beliefs.

 This state is energetically similar to what we call fear, but it feels good. This feeling good is what I suppose one could call a reward, but it’s the kind that keeps on giving, so it's not a reward -- it's a Gift. It's up to each one of us if we allow ourselves to accept this Gift.
See "There Is A Heppy Land" posting for more awe-ful exploration.


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