Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Opiated Faith of The Materialist

As physical mediumship becomes increasingly more familiar to outsiders, and as it is making its own fairly rapid reappearance in our dimension, the materialist skeptics are also rising to what their ego minds perceive as a challenge of some kind. We'll leave them to it. As noted in August's recent report of one such sitting,
"Just as our book was not written for skeptics, neither do these mediumistic sittings occur for them. Mediumship has recently arrived at a new level on its path, in that it is now abandoning any and all efforts towards educating skeptics. They had their chance, and now they're free to return to their own mentally-darkened basements. We bless them and will welcome them – when they’re finally ready to sit down and be still."

Readers of The Risen will be familiar with the Risen concepts of imagination, specifically addressed in the chapter, Mundus Imaginalis. The following is from the Italian mystic, Massimo Scaligero (1906-1980), and his exploratory words about materialism have many hidden ideas:

    "Materialism is our faith in matter. We do not know how to experience matter by means of the concrete forces of thinking. Materialism is the most obscure mysticism, for it purports to be the opposite of mysticism simply because it is nourished by mathematical calculation and dialectical abstractions. It feeds our inner weaknesses with the dead products of thinking. By failing to penetrate matter, such thinking elevates it to a mystical reality without any awareness that it does so. No bigot devotes him or herself more faithfully to the object of this or her opiated faith than does the materialist.
   "Materialism ... signifies the actual situation of present-day humanity. Materialism is the uncognized and, therefore, the unelaborated basis of all the doctrines and spiritualisms, traditional or not, which ignore the underlying process that gives rise to material appearances. It shuns the task of confronting the problem of the physical objectivity of nature: sensory perceptions and its coming into being as representation. This is a problem that cannot be solved theoretically, but only through the active penetration of reality.
   " A corresponding ... error, which leaves the authority of matter over us unchanged, is to accept the physical world as it is, and matter as it appears. With this error, we engage in abstracted experiments or calculations with the physical world and material appearances, or we seek to transcend them theoretically or mystically."

From La Luce: Introduzione All'imainazione Creatrice (The Light: An Introduction to Creative Imagination) by Massimo Scaligero, (translated by Eric L. Bisbocci, Lindisfarne Books, 2001, p. 34.)


At Tue Jun 14, 04:14:00 PM 2011, Blogger ellede said...

How true that is! And talk about "paradigm paralysis" - it's so much a case of "this is all that's real" that there can be no getting around it. Not worth the bother, really, as you said.

I wonder if something of this materialism is involved when people are convinced reincarnationists, too? The feeling of needing to return to this earth; is that partly because it's the only one they know, even when they have contact with Spirit? (I was talking to a medium the other day who was QUITE sure Louis is reincarnated, ie. in an earthly life now ... how he was supposed to be somebody else at the same time as being himself AND standing next to me, I'm not sure! We think she didn't grasp how physical the Risen are, and misread it because of preconceptions. Best guess, anyway.)

At Tue Jun 14, 07:04:00 PM 2011, Blogger August Goforth said...

Often, the belief in reincarnation is generated by the fear-based rationalizing of the ego-mind, which rightly senses its eventual dissolution along with the terrestrial material body. If we believe the ego that we are nothing more than it, we will believe the fear as well. More than a few mediums have been known to espouse reincarnation, unaware of the true source of the idea.

At Tue Jun 14, 08:13:00 PM 2011, Blogger ellede said...

Hi, August et al! :)

I wonder about that aspect too. I've no idea how it works in its original setting (meaning Eastern religion) but it does tie in with Western materialism, doesn't it?

I had to sit my ego-mind down yesterday and remind it that no medium can tell us how to live ("do not tell us how to breathe" was Louis' phrase) and that there's no need to be upset ... it's part of me, we're all one person and we're all in this together, as I see it. I still can't fathom a medium who refers to the earthly life as "the real world" - shows how pervasive materialism is, I suspect. It's become our society's default state.

At Wed Jun 15, 01:34:00 PM 2011, Blogger August Goforth said...

Exactly - your own Divinity is your own Authority (Authentic Self) and this is with what you live and breathe and move and have your being.
Mediums have to go on their own unique journey of discovery about who they are and how their own unique universe works.


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